Medical Registration



The Medical Registration Department provides registration of examination tickets at various outpatient clinics for patients.

Importance of the registration section:

  1. The first means of identifying the patient in a personal capacity.
  2. Connecting clinics, laboratories, endoscopes and the catheter unit by unifying patient data through a single system.
  3. Easy access to the patient data saved on the system by simply typing the patient's name or national number, and then identifying all the medical history of the disease, the various medical examinations and the names of the doctors who followed up this case.

Working system:

  1. After purchasing the ticket, the patient is registered through the patient's card, in which the photo of the person registering is matched with the special national ID card, and when this is confirmed, it is done...
  2. Complete the patient's data in terms of Address, Address City, phone number, and nearest relatives.
  3. Pathological conditions are admitted to clinics for detection.
  4. When requesting any medical tests for the pathological condition, these tests and their data are recorded on the system prepared for this on the item of analyzes on the Avicenna technical system.
  5. When there are laparoscopic cases for which medical reports are required, the patient is registered a second time and referred to his liver clinics to make medical reports for him.

Work is underway on the Ibn- sina hospital management system

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Specialized Medical Hospital, Al Gomhouria Street, Mansoura, Egypt

  2202176 (50) 20+ / 2202177 (50) 20+

  2202152 (50) 20+ / 2202153 (50) 20+

  2202151 (50) 20+