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Egypt Permanent Green Building Exhibition

Egypt Permanent Green Building Exhibition EGBEX

Egypt Permanent Green Building Exhibition, EGBEX, is the first permanent exhibition in the Arab Republic of Egypt specializing in the field of Sustainable and Green construction. The exhibition attracts companies and institutions working in the field of urban planning, architecture, engineering, energy efficiency, renewable and clean energy, rationalization, treatment and reuse of water, waste management, building materials, real estate development, infrastructure, and construction. The exhibition also addresses professionals in the construction industry. To showcase the latest trends in technology, products and services that serve the field of Green construction in Egypt.

The exhibition helps achieve sustainability for new and existing buildings by spreading awareness of the application of the Green Pyramid Rating system for evaluating building sustainability, issued by the Center in and corresponding to the American system (LEED). 2017

The exhibition aims to support efforts to spread awareness, apply green building technology, new products and materials, and rationalize water and energy consumption by spreading the concept of green buildings.

معهد بحوث الخامات وتكنولوجيا صناعة المواد
Internal conferences and events
Participation in external conferences

Contact us

Phone: (202)37617105
Fax: (202)33351564

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Contact Details

87 El Tahrir St. Dokki - Giza
Phone: 0237617102
Fax: 0233351564

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