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Building Materials and Quality Control

Accreditation and evaluation of concrete batch plants

The decision of the Minister of Housing, Utilities and Urban Communities No. (445) of 2015 regarding the evaluation and accreditation of concrete batching plants.

Ready-mixed concrete production plants are evaluated and accredited in accordance with the Egyptian code for the design and implementation of concrete structures No. 203 of year 2020 and in accordance with the Egyptian standard for the production of ready-mixed concrete for the year 2007 and the American standard ASTM C94.
This is, in addition to, the Egyptian standard specifications for cement, aggregate, water, additives, and ISO 7500-1; and experiences gained by the institute's team during the accreditation of the batch plant is that there are different sizes of mixers ranging from 0.5 cubic meters to 6.0 cubic meters. The largest mixer cylinder can mix appropriately about 6.0 cubic meters of concrete in about 138 seconds (60 seconds for the first 0.75 cubic meters and then 15 seconds per cubic meters followed according to the specification).
There are many types of central mixing batch plants, but the most common ones in Egypt are:
- Fixed mixer in which the spiral blades rotate on horizontal columns.
- Fixed mixer in which the spiral blades rotate on double horizontal columns.
Among the most important stations that are accredited by the institute: Lafarge - Reliance - Unimix - SERMIX – Filo mix ready mix - El Sewedy - SIAC - ASIC - Orascom and other stations nationwide.

Contact Details

87 El Tahrir St. Dokki - Giza
Phone: 0237617102
Fax: 0233351564

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