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Building Materials and Quality Control

Building Materials research and Quality Control Research Institute in cooperation with the General Administration of Training at the Housing and Building National Research Center, contributed in coordinating and preparing a group of training programs in its field of specialization through a distinguished group of professors and researchers.
The training courses were conducted to all concerned parties across the country, including, the newly graduated engineers from engineering institutes and colleges.
Training for students in order to raise their competence

First: A comprehensive practical and theoretical course pertaining supervising the implementation of work on-site
The most important studies were in the following points:
- methods of implementing facilities and reviewing drawings and construction details.
- Receiving carpentry and blacksmithing works (theoretically and practically on-site)
- Receiving building works (internal paints works, facades, ceramic works, walls and floors, theoretically and practically on-site).

Second: A comprehensive / intensive course in quality control and laboratory tests
The most important studies were in the following points:
Quality control works and tests (fresh and hardened concrete tests - tests of existing facilities).
Visits to cement, aggregate and steel labs and acquiring knowledge pertaining their tests in practice.

Third: A practical and theoretical / intensive course in the work of paints, finishes, marble and insulation works pertaining facilities
The most important studies were in the following points:
Introduction to the items of finishing works Tiles: ceramic tiles
- marble
Preparatory work regarding painting
Measurement of paint works and methods of operation
Maintenance of paint works
Introduction to thermal insulation of facilities
Introduction to moisture and water insulation of facilities

Fourth: An intensive specialized training program for site engineers
Cement and concrete tests conducted in lab
Non-destructive tests (evaluation of buildings),
Types and properties of concrete and special concrete.
Duties of supervisory Authority.
??of implementation and receipt of works and documents
Audit and receipt of concrete, insulation works of all kinds, finishes, plumbing, sanitary fittings, tiles, ceramics, buildings, and paints practically on-site.

Fifth: A course in innovative materials and systems developed globally in concrete structures
The most important studies were in the following points:
- Nanomaterials and their applications in concrete
- The use of developed bacteria types to produce self-healing concrete
- Fiber-reinforced polymers FRP
- Fiber-reinforced concrete FRC
- The optimal use of recycled aggregates in concrete
- Concrete walls filled with polystyrene panels reinforced with galvanized iron geopolymer.
- Stabilized soil uses.
Therefore, it is necessary to note this aspect of the Institute's work, which will enhance the efficiency of workers in the construction and building system directly and effectively.

Sixth: Refresher courses for engineers and technicians (annual)
Ceramic Tests
Steel Rebar Tests
On-Site Tests
Cement Tests
Laboratory quality management systems and risk analysis in accordance with ISO/IEC 17025-2017.
General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories according to ISO/IEC 17025-2017
Estimation of uncertainty in measurements.
Internal Audit ISO/IEC 17025-2017.

Contact Details

87 El Tahrir St. Dokki - Giza
Phone: 0237617102
Fax: 0233351564

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