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Soil Mechanics and Geo-technical Engineering

Introduction to the institute

Introduction to Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Research Institute:
The design of foundations for the engineer is the compatibility between the nature of the soil at the project site and the needs of the project to achieve the best structural safety with the optimum project time and cost.
* Preparing a report on soil investigation and foundation recommendations is one of the basic preparatory works in the field of construction, to give the necessary data and recommendations for design and implementation needs, and also aims to ensure the safety of the building by achieving the equilibrium and stability of foundations at shallow or deep depths according to the soil conditions at the construction site. To achieve this goal, the soil report must contain the physical and mechanical soil characteristics at the site in terms of their effect on the design of the foundations of the project according to its type, purpose and uses, allowing its movement and appropriate engineering behavior and economic outcomes involved in the construction process.
• . Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Research Institute is one of the research institutes affiliated to the Housing and Building National Research Center and has basic areas of work to serve its development goals. These areas include national researchers, engineering consulting, laboratory and field testing, training and building codes.
* In the research field, the institute adopts a national approach based on assessing the geotechnical characteristics of soil formations in Egypt. In addition, to providing any data and maps with modern systems for these formations and their characteristics in different areas, as well as studying the behavior of widespread problematic soils in Egypt. Ground water and its relationship to soils and foundations, preparing models of foundations and ground installations to study the behavior and compatibility of different types of foundations of different soil types in Egypt, as well as studying soil movements and the stability of their formations in areas prone to collapse.
* In the field of providing consulting services to the engineering sector, the institute prepares soil research reports and foundation recommendations at various project sites, as well as conducting all laboratory and field tests. In addition to performing structural designs for various types of foundations, dewatering and supporting the excavation aspects with modern structural design methods through the latest design softwarers.
* In the field of training, the institute participates in the preparation of, as well as, provid training courses for engineers in the field of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering inside and outside the center.
* In the field of preparation of building codes, the institute participates in the membership of the main Committee and the Specialized Committees of the code for Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering the institute also participates in updating these codes.

Contact Details

87 El Tahrir St. Dokki - Giza
Phone: 0237617102
Fax: 0233351564

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