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Soil Mechanics and Geo-technical Engineering

National Research Studies

Geological, morphological and geotechnical study of the new city of Fayoum


Geotechnical causes of building cracks and how to avoid them.
The Institute conducted a study to preserve real estate wealth in Egypt, through which the geotechnical causes of building cracks in Egypt were identified, how to avoid them and methods of treatment.


Geological features and geotechnical database of new city of Damietta and its expansions.
This study included the geological and geomorphological features and geotechnical characteristics of the new city of Damietta and its expansions with the provision and documentation of a database of soil formations and properties using modern systems.


Geological, geotechnical and hydrological study of soils and some foundation applications in Sohag governorate.
This research was based on the studies prepared by the institute during the previous years of the 52 projects in the governorate. This study can be used in the case of replacement and renovation of existing buildings or the development and modernization of infrastructure to increase the efficiency of services in this governorate.


Studying the nature of weak clay soils.
This study aims to find the most appropriate methods to construct on these weak clay soils from the technical and economic point of view.


A study regarding constructing foundation on desert soil in Egypt.
This study aims to find the most suitable ways to construct on desert soil from the technical and economic point of view


A study on the development of geotechnical design methods using the boundary cases method (under study)
This study aims to reach more economical and safe methods in design, based on the philosophy of limit states design boundary coefficients (LSD) using probabilistic methods of design.

Exploratory study of new reconstruction areas and urban expansions in existing areas (under study)
This study aims to select sites suitable for technical and economic construction to establish projects on them and to make a detailed program for each project in a more accurate and more economical way by determining the type, number and depth of soil borings.

A research project on the study and evaluation of the effect of ratcheting on the resistance of rocks and their partitions, both laboratory and numerically (under study)
This study aims to determine the natural and mechanical characteristics of types of rock formations found in serious urban cities in Egypt and the impact of their resistance under the influence of escalation (ratcheting), which is the decrease in resistance to the same load when the load is repeated statically, how to identify them, assess their degree of danger, and a presentation of different ways to deal with them and the needs to be taken in this regard.

The research project on assessing the geotechnical characteristics of the formations of some types of swelling soils scattered in Egypt and how to deal with them (under study)
This study aims to determine the natural and mechanical characteristics of types of soils that are prone to swelling in the dry desert environment in Egypt, how to identify them, assess the degree of their danger, and offer different ways to deal with them and the needs to be taken in this regard.

Studying some properties of geotextiles (geogrid & geotextile) and their various uses in soils and roads (under study)

Contact Details

87 El Tahrir St. Dokki - Giza
Phone: 0237617102
Fax: 0233351564

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