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Soil Mechanics and Geo-technical Engineering

Departments of the Institute



  Department of geotechnical properties research

Site Exploration Research Field and laboratory testing research.

Department of foundation engineering and underground structures research

Design and implementation of shallow and deep foundations Research.

Design and implementation of supporting structures Research.

Design and implementation of tunnels and underground structure   Research.

Monitoring movement of installations Research.

Strengthening of foundations and underground installations research

Department of Soil properties improvement research

soil stabilization, strengthening and soil treatment research.

soil reinforcement research

design and implementation of replacement soils research

Department of Geo-environmental Engineering Research (environmental geotechnics)

risk research from the action of nature

risk research from human intervention

Ground Water Control Research

Department of Numerical and computational techniques research

Research development and development of numerical and computational techniques

Numerical Analysis Research

Department of artificial intelligence research and Finite Elements, databases and geotechnical maps-database research

Department of artificial intelligence research and Finite Elements, databases and geotechnical maps-database research

Artificial intelligence research

Databases research

Geographic Information Systems Research

Research development and development of geotechnical maps

Contact Details

87 El Tahrir St. Dokki - Giza
Phone: 0237617102
Fax: 0233351564

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